
We grow in our love for God and others demonstrated by obedience and service.

The Great Commission calls us to obey everything Jesus has commanded. We are expected to grow in our love for God and our love for others. We grow through God’s Spirit, God’s Word, and God’s Church.


Jesus instructed us that He must go to the Father so that the Spirit could be sent to empower the church. Jesus taught us the Spirit would counsel us and convict us of sin and righteousness (John 14-16).

Jesus also prayed that we would be sanctified. Sanctification is process of growing in faith reflected in obedience. Jesus says in John 17:17, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” God’s word is our means of knowing God and understanding how to live for Him. We cannot grow apart from the Word of God. Jesus also charged His people with loving one another as we love ourselves.

We grow in community not in isolation. God’s church is vital to the faith life of the individual believer. Alone is contrary to the character of God.